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Jewish Genealogy Society
of Cleveland

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Gone Girl: DNA and Document Strategies for Finding a VERY Long Lost Female Cousin with Rhoda Miller

  • 02/01/2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom


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Gone Girl: DNA and Document Strategies for Finding a VERY Long Lost Female Cousin with Rhoda Miller

Date & Time:  February 1, 2023 at 7:00 - 8:30 PM ET

Location:  Zoom

Program:  DNA and document strategies will be unfolded in this quest for a female cousin. Finding females is a common genealogical challenge. When the woman does not want to be found, the challenge becomes even greater. Learn techniques from Rhoda Miller for breaking through a brick wall and as well as resolving new problems on the other side of that wall.

Speaker:  Rhoda Miller has been a Certified Genealogist since 1998, specializing in Jewish research and Holocaust studies. Rhoda is a Past President of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Long Island (JGSLI). With JGSLI, she led the award-winning project of publishing Jewish Community of Long Island. A board member of LitvakSIG, she also serves as Coordinator of the Svencionys District Research Group. As an Instructor for the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP), Rhoda taught in the Eastern Europe course. Rhoda was formerly a Genealogist Researcher for Ancestry ProGenealogists, on the Eastern European team.

Copyright 2025.  The Jewish Genealogy Society of Cleveland, Inc. (JGSC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 34-1648203).  All Rights Reserved.